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Moon Pool

A sci-fi environment based on an underwater vessel housing a submarine in it's moon pool docking bay. This environment was created over a 10 week period with a focus on set dressing, lighting, and materials.

Rendered in Unreal Engine 4

Tools: Maya, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, UE4

Created all aspects of environment.

March 2021




Reference Images

I began my process by compiling inspiring images. I gathered images that had interesting looking layouts and technical aspects that I could use to create modular assets.

I highlighted parts in each image that I thought had unique elements that would add visual interest to my scene.

I decided to try and re-create the top left image and add some pieces from the other images as well. I thought that the lighting and visual complexity of this scene was appealing to look at. At the same time, I thought that there was a lot of room for modularizing elements within this scene. 

Blockout Process


Modular Kit


Hero Asset


Environment iterations

Iteration #1

This iteration is just the basic colour maps for the modular components of environment. The purpose of this was to make sure that the textures that I had made for the modular components worked cohesively together when placed alongside one another in UE4.

Iteration #2

This iteration is getting close to the finished product. I wasn't satisfied though with the lighting and I thought it could be improved. The vertex painting in this scene I currently was also not pleased with and I needed to go back into the mesh and more vertices to get cleaner looking water marks on the metal ground.

Iteration #3

This was my first full pass of the project with all the lighting and vertex painting completed. After showing it to some people and getting feedback I decided to go back and to further improve the lighting. I didn't like how the colour was so monotone throughout the scene in this version so I decided to go back in one final pass to update the lighting and have a more visually appealing scene.

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